Natural & Social Science UNIT 2


Food groups and their role in the body. 
Healthy eating and a balanced diet.
Understand the different food groups and the combinations that make up a healthy, balanced diet and the problems caused by an unhealthy diet.
Classifies food into different groups according to what they contribute to a healthy diet.
Recognises the importance of an healthy diet.
Identifies and describes the elements of a healthy, balanced diet.

Health and illness. Healthy habits. 
Identify and explain the health consequences of habits of personal hygiene, physical exercise and rest.
Identifies and adopts healthy habits: personal hygiene, physical exercise and rest.
Plans individual and group activities in order to make the most of their free time.
Identification of unhealthy habits.
Prevention of problems caused by unhealthy habits.
Differentiate between healthy and unhealthy habits. Identifies the causes of certain food-related problems and recognises the healthy habits that can help to prevent them.
Identifies the causes of certain illnesses and recognises the healthy habits than can help prevent them.
Identifies and describes ways of preventing health risks.
Demonstrates a critical attitude towards certain social practices that can damage their health.

The stages of life and the changes we undergo.
Identify the different stages of life and their characteristics. Observes and identifies the different stages of life and defines their characteristics.
Understands and values the correct lifestyle for their age.

Air and its composition.
Identify the gases that make up the air and explain some of their basic characteristics.
Explains the basic composition of the air and identifies it as essential to life.

The atmosphere. 
Identify the atmosphere, explain its principal characteristics and structure, and value its role in protecting life on Earth.
Defines the atmosphere, understands how it changes with altitude and describes the basic characteristics of its layers.
Gives a simple explanation of how the atmosphere protects the Earth from extremes of
heat, cold and solar radiation.

Atmospheric phenomena. Forms of precipitation. Atmospheric pollution.
Identify and name atmospheric phenomena, describing the causes of clouds and precipitation and investigating the principle types of atmospheric pollution.
Identifies and names some atmospheric phenomena.
Describes the causes of clouds and precipitation.
Identifies the different instruments used to measure weather conditions.

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